HB 478 is a Danger to Women and Children

Normal Americans generally have a tolerant live-and-let-live approach to other people’s choices about how they live. This is especially true in our “Live free or die” state of New Hampshire. That’s what “normal” means. It is also why most of us have watched with a...

Hoell Receives ACU Award 2016

JR Hoell has received the American Conservative Union award for 2016. Click on photo at left for larger...

JR Hoell Recipient of Legislator of the Year Award from NHLA

The Honorable JR Hoell represents Bow and Dunbarton in Merrimack County’s District 23. He grew up in New Jersey and attended Stevens Institute of Technology. After completing engineering graduate school, he moved to Deering, New Hampshire to work and volunteer...

Our Turn: A Second Chance at Job Growth HB 668

By Reps. Frank Edelblut and JR Hoell Published in the Concord Monitor Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Who doesn’t want a better job than the one they have today? Clearly, we all would. For that reason, the New Hampshire House of Representatives should be doing everything...