Fergus Cullen: Why Libertarians are NH’s Most Active Lawmakers

A dilemma for conservatives is that to advance the cause of limited government, some of them have to join government and pass laws. Ironically, the most active state legislators come from the libertarian wing of the Republican Party. Rep. J.R. Hoell, R-Dunbarton, who...

Hoell Continues to Push for the Restoration of Citizens Natural Rights

by Shawne K. Wickham Published in the New Hampshire Sunday New on August 24, 2014 Gun license form must change, critics say Issue not resolved: Some of the new wording will remain and that angers some gun owners. The Department of Safety has agreed to remove some —...

Gun Advocates Up in Arms Over Change in Application

by Shawne K. Wickhham Gun Advocates Up in Arms Over Change in Application Published in the Union Leader on August 17, 2014 Gun-rights advocates are up in arms over recent changes to the state’s resident concealed-carry pistol license application that they say...

NH House Rejects Bill Declaring That Life Begins at Conception

NH House Rejects Bill Declaring That Life Begins at Conception Published in the Union Leader on March 25, 2014 CONCORD – The New Hampshire House Tuesday soundly struck down legislation stating that “life begins at conception.” The vote was 214-95 that...

House Votes to Bar Credit History in Hiring Process

by Garry Rayno, State House Bureau Published in the Union Leader on April 17, 2014 CONCORD – The House Tuesday voted 192-142 to approve Senate Bill 295, which bars using a person’s credit history in employment decisions. Supporters said a person’s...

HRA Comments on the Denial of Support for the Wani Family

HRA comments on the denial of support for the Wani family Date Issued: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 For Immediate Release Contact: JR Hoell 603.315.9002 House Republican Alliance comments on the denial of support for the Wani family in Manchester. Today the New Hampshire...